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Hiroaki MASAKI

I'm Hiroaki Masaki(正木 博明). My research interest lies in Human-Computer Interaction(HCI). More specifically, my research focuses on "nudge", well studied in behavioral economics, and mobile health. In my spare time, I like listening to radio and manzai, watching baseball, participating to marathon, and eating curry.


Master Thesis


Apr 2018 ~ Mar 2020


IIS Lab(Yatani Lab), Emerging design and informatics course, Graduate school of interdisciplinary information studies, The University of Tokyo.


"A Study on Designs of Privacy/Safety-related Nudges for Adolescent SNS Users" (若年層SNSユーザに対するプライバシー・安全に関するナッジデザインの検証). Department Dean Award on Master Thesis [project page][press release]

Data Scientist Internships


Sep 2018(1 month)


Recruit Co., Ltd.


Data analisis for optimizing internet ad delivery.

Graduation Thesis


Apr 2014 ~ Mar 2018


IIS Lab(Yatani Lab), Information and communication engineering, Engineering, The University of Tokyo.


「病気診断モバイルアプリに向けた爪画像データ収集機構の構築」 (Data collection mechanism of nail images for disease-screening mobile application, written in Japanese)


International Conference (peer-reviewd)
  • Hiroaki Masaki, Kengo Shibata, Shui Hoshino, Takahiro Ishihama, Nagayuki Saito, and Koji Yatani. 2020. Exploring Nudge Designs to Help Adolescent SNS Users Avoid Privacy and Safety Threats. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–11. DOI: Honorable Mention Award [publisher page]
Domestic Journal (peer-reviewed)
  • 正木博明,柴田健吾,星野秀偉,石濵嵩博,齋藤長行,矢谷浩司,「若年層SNSユーザに対するプライバシー・安全上の行動に関するナッジの大規模定量調査」,情報処理学会論文誌 61 (12), 1892-1902 [publisher page]
Domestic Conference
  • 正木 博明,柴田 健吾,星野 秀偉,石濵 嵩博,齋藤 長行,矢谷 浩司,「SNS上の行動に関する若年層ユーザに対するナッジの効果検証」,情報処理学会第186回HCI研究会,2020年1月. 学生奨励賞 [publisher page]


  • Honorable Mention Award at CHI 2020 (ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2020) [award page]

    - CHI is a top-tier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction. Top 5% of submissions can receive this award.

  • Department Dean Award on Master Thesis

    - 2019年度 東京大学大学院学際情報学府 優秀修士論文 専攻長賞

  • Student Encouragement Award at IPSJ(Information Processing Society of Japan) Conference [award page]

    - 情報処理学会 第186回HCI研究会 学生奨励賞

Skills and Certificates

  • programming
    • frontend: vue.js
    • backend: firebase
    • data processing and other: python, sql
  • certificates
    • toeic 955
  • interests
    • product management, online advertising, nudge, and mobile health.